Solidaridad Book Shop: Independent Book Shop in the Philippines #1.5

Hi folks!

As mentioned in my second Independent Book Shop in the Philippines post, here's an updated photo diary of Solidaridad Book Shop.

I had a quick visit last November 30 since I was already in the area. And I also bought the second book in the Rosales Saga (Tree), so I can finally continue my reading. (Here's my review of Po-on, the first book) :)

Nothing much has changed except for their Christmas decor. They still have a wide selection of books from different genres, both fiction and non-fiction. Here's a quick tour, folks. And for a short write-up, here's my old post on the book shop (Click here).

How unique is this inverted Christmas tree eh?




Above are the book shop owner's works. :)


Did I overload you with pictures? Haha!

That's all folks for Solidaridad Book Shop. I still don't know what book shop to visit next. We will find out soon! :)

Have a nice day!