Hi folks!
How's 2018 so far? I hope you're having a good day! For this post, let me show you guys my book collection as of January 2018. 😁
Currently I have two bookcases in my office nook- the white one and the brown one. I was not able to reorganize them so they're not as organized as I wanted them to be. I did try my best though. 😁
The first two shelves contain my read books that are part of a trilogy/series. The top shelf contains finished trilogy (I seldom read prequels and novellas.)
The second shelf contains series/trilogies that I have yet to finish reading. 💗
The third shelf also contains my read books. As you can see, there's no particular system. Haha! Some are part of a series/trilogy. Some are stand-alones.
The fourth shelf contains my unread books, except for A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir which I am currently reading. 😊
The next two shelves contain all unread books. Again, there is no particular system. 😁 I first tried to organize them by genre, but gave up along the way. Haha!
The last shelf in my white bookcase also contains my unread books, except for God's Not Dead by Rice Broocks, which I am also currently reading. If you'll notice the books are mostly Christian books and Classics. 😊
Going to the brown bookcase. The first one here contains my read Christian books. (The plastic contains my unused/spare notebooks. I seriously need to stop buying so many notebooks! 😁)
Also my read shelf. This is where I totally gave up on having a system. Haha! The genres here are thriller, sci-fi, YA, historical fiction, adult contemporary, and literary fiction.
And my last read shelf which also contains a mish-mash of genres. 😁
This year, I will be culling my book collection. Hopefully, I'll get myself to do it soon. 😊
How's your collection folks?
Happy reading!