Yep, you read the title right folks!
I believe that each of us has a quirky/weird side. Book lovers definitely have one or two or many. 😁
For this post, I will share with you those book- or reading-related things that are weird, but I do them anyway. Because why not be weird?
Smelling the pages of books
Okay. I know I am not alone in this one. But really, the smell of books, and especially new books, aaaah! It's addicting.😍
Gasping whenever I see a book in my to-buy list in a secondhand book shop
Countless times I have gasped aloud. No regrets, judge me all you want but a book in my to-buy list for a cheaper price? Who wouldn't gasp? 😮
Having a bookcase-ful of TBR and yet having nothing to read
Well, let's add to that 'and still buying more and more books'. This is a mood reader problem. Whatever I will read will depend on my mood. 😋
Ability to binge read
Oh yes, I can definitely binge read. Give me the time and a good series, and I will definitely. 😏
Not reading a newly bought book
Always. I want my new books to stay for quite some time on my shelves before reading them. I don't know why. 😁
Looking at photos of bookshelves/books/libraries for hours
Hello Instagram and Tumblr! I could scroll my day away looking at those pretty pictures of books. Aaaaah! I know it's not a productive move, but whatever. Haha!
So, those are the weird bookish things I do. Can any of you relate?
'Til next time! Happy reading!