Faith Journal 2021: Photo Diary

One of my 2020 highlights is starting a faith journal. I remember spending a lot of time watching YouTube videos and browsing through Pinterest for ideas before finally starting one. At first, I intended to keep a lot of spreads, but eventually I just used it for my Bible Study notes.

But even though I only used my journal for Bible study notes, it did help me a lot. My last year's journal can also be my reference whenever I need to look back on some of the books I studied. I used to include my Bible study notes in my life journal, so my notes are almost always forgotten. And so, it's nice to finally have a separate notebook for it where I can keep track of God's guidance through His Word.

For 2021, I thought of including additional pages in my faith journal- a Memory Verse a day page, a Chronological Reading Plan tracker and a Scripture Writing page. I am not sure if I can keep up with these additional pages. But nevertheless, I am excited to fill up the pages. Here are the pictures:

A simple title page. It looks bare to me so I might add more elements in the future or I might just change it entirely.
I copied this Purpose page from my previous Faith Journal. It includes why I want and need to keep a Faith Journal to help remind me in times of laziness and during times of "busyness".

As I am writing this post, I realized that I did not take a picture of my Books of the Bible tracker. In that page, there are small boxes and inside, I wrote the books of the Bible. Every time I finish studying a book, I can shade it.
Next page is my Chronological Reading Plan tracker. I forgot where I got this (probably Pinterest) but there are many references online.

One of my goal this year is to read the entire Bible. I am praying that I can accomplish it since it's just reading. Studying the entire Bible is an entirely different goal.
Here is my monthly Verse of the Day page. I got this idea from countless of YouTube videos I watched. My reference for the verses is the YouVersion Bible app.
I actually am not sure if I will keep this Scripture Writing page. But for this one, I am planning to pick a few verses from the daily ones and deep dive into them. Or I can choose a verse from the book I'm currently studying. I shall see how this page will go.
I still want to add more spreads and challenges. I keep on seeing ideas on Pinterest! However, I am not sure if I can commit to them. We'll see. And I will share on my Instagram (aizel.daily) if I have new pages. 😁


That's it folks! I hope you enjoyed my little tour. For January, I'm studying Matthew every weekends. After Matthew (whenever I finish it), I'm planning to study Job next! They both have many chapters but I hope I can do weekday study too so I can keep up. 😁


How about you folks? Do you also keep a faith journal? What are you currently studying?